Action Reports

Action Reports

First, Ben surveyed all staff in the organization to gather information about the current system of tracking programs’ performance.  Using this information, Ben created a rubric of measures to be used to evaluate each program area’s key processes.  A workgroup was formed which collectively determined the most appropriate reporting interval to be used for each process: monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annually.  At each relevant interval, the program areas completed the rubric for their processes.  Expectations were set when a program area whose performance fell below its expected value (i.e., its performance was in the red zone) occurred that program area would meet with the workgroup. 

Working collaboratively with the team, Ben helped the program area determine whether their benchmarks and measures were appropriate.  As needed, he helped them choose better metrics to evaluate their success.  This process helped the teams take ownership of their own benchmarks and key performance indicators that would be used to measure their effectiveness.  Ben also trained the program areas on how to use their historical data to predict future trends and expected performance levels.  Finally, Ben trained the teams how to track and manage these metrics going forward, as well as what to do when their Rubric indicated they were falling below expected performance.