Process Improvement

Process improvement is exactly what its name implies: it is the act of improving processes.  As W. Edwards Deming is attributed as saying, “Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.”  If an organization is not satisfied with either its product or the time it takes to produce that product, the way to make the results better is to evaluate and improve the organization’s work processes.

Processes can be improved in different ways.  Sometimes new steps need to be added.  Sometimes existing steps need to be streamlined.  Sometimes existing steps are unnecessary and need to be removed.  Regardless of the fix, the goal of process improvement is the same: to make work flow efficiently through all steps of a process.   

If any of the following statements apply to your organization, it might need help in this area:

  • Things are not working well within a program area, but the contributing issues are unknown.
  • Things are not working well within a program area and the contributing issues are known, but the issues are accepted because no one knows how to fix them.
  • Dysfunction exists within a program area or the organization as a whole.
  • The product produced by the organization has errors or mistakes.
  • The current processes exist simply because “we have always done it this way.”