Performance Management

What is performance management?

Performance management is an assessment of how well your organization is achieving its goals, mission, and strategic plan.  When leaders and staff have an accurate sense of what is working and what isn’t, they are able to focus time, energy, and resources to overcome obstacles that are standing in the way of achieving desired outcomes.  Additionally, since performance management is increasingly being required by national and statewide accreditation agencies, your organization will likely need to focus on this topic if it hopes to become accredited in its field.

If any of the following statements apply to your organization, it might need help in this area:

  • The goals of a program area, or the organization as a whole, are not being met.
  • Metrics and key performance indicators have not been developed and/or are not being used to measure and track goals in order to ensure they are achieved each year.
  • The goals of a program area do not align with the goals of the larger organization.
  • Your organization’s budget is not properly aligned with program outcomes.
  • Your organization has been exposed to unmitigated risk due to poor planning for something that could have been predicted.
  • Your organization lacks modeling or future projections of finances, deliverables, and/or performance.