Process Maps

process map

An organization was faced with an aging workforce, with a significant proportion of staff eligible for retirement within a few years.  Many staff had worked in their respective program areas and roles for many years.  Leadership knew the organization was at risk for substantial knowledge loss and disruptions in operations.

Ben worked with individual program areas to create process maps and process inventories.  A process map is a flow chart for planning and managing.  It visually maps out the roles of parties involved within a process and what it takes to complete that process most efficiently.  In addition to the team members involved, a process map also includes events, rules and procedures, and intended results.  A process inventory is a collection of all the processes mapped within a program.  

In addition to identifying how a process is currently being completed, a process map can also help reveal ways the process can be streamlined and improved.  One of the objectives of process mapping is to provide a baseline to collect data and develop future models. This process requires knowledge of the business’ inputs and outputs, procedures and documentation for each activity, and the function of each role.  Working with the program areas, Ben also helped them collect quantitative and qualitative data through techniques such as team collaboration, observations, interviews and questionnaires. 

After Ben presented their process maps, process inventories, and baseline data, program areas were equipped to effectively continue their work even after long-time employees had resigned.  All employees could find the answers to their questions regarding procedures, forms, and other factors relevant to their job performance.  As an additional benefit, all team members could see the impact of their roles from start to finish.