Active listening for problem-solving

Being a good listener is an art and can make you more likable and compelling in problem-solving. Again and again, people imagine that leadership and confidence are attached to coordinating discussions and giving orders. Research on effective leaders shows the opposite is valid. Extraordinary leaders are compassionate towards others and show artfulness and diligence in tackling others’ qualities. Knowing when to voice your perspectives and when to keep quiet is art and it requires the listener to have empathy.

Like critical thinking and problem-solving, active listening is a delicate ability that is respected by bosses. While meeting for occupations, utilizing active listening methods can assist with showing the interviewer how your interpersonal abilities can draw individuals out.

What is Active Listening?

Active listening redirects your focus based on what is happening within your head to the requirements of your imminent boss or interviewer. This method can assist with lessening your nervousness during a meeting.

By putting your total focus through active listening upon the interviewer, you demonstrate that you:

Are keen on the organization’s difficulties and successes.

Are prepared to help them in addressing work issues.

Are a team player instead of being just a self-retained job candidate.

It’s vital to not intrude, or better still, attempt to answer the question before you know what the questioner is asking.

What is Problem Solving?

Difficulties and problems crop up in the working environment as they do in our everyday lives. Understanding the fundamentals of problem-solving and how to move toward difficulties logically with a positive approach can assist you with coming up at solutions or recommendations.

Good listening is attached to great problem solving

When you allow others to talk, you could start to see new approaches for thinking. Considering various perspectives could help you and your group thinks about things better and in more creative ways. In case you want to be very effective in handling issues at work, you need to listen with empathy.

7 ways to become a great listener


Never message or answer messages or calls when you’re discussing.

Don’t fidget and avoid examining the room.


Connect with others rather than constant arguments.

Set aside time that is only for that individual or group.

Ask interesting questions.

Attempt to understand from their point of view.

Set your biases to the side while listening.

Playback what the other individual said

The people who are the best at listening show others that they’re processing and remembering what the other person has said. This brings respect and builds connections with the speaker. You could summarize the points and repeat the significant themes and key messages from the discussion to show you’ve listened with interest. Sample expressions may include: “The following are a couple of points you raised in our meeting, this is what you agreed and contradicted with, and this is what I propose we do to handle this issue”. Then, at that point, ask the individual what he or she thinks?

Examples of Active Listening Techniques

There are a lot of active listening strategies that will further develop the way you address and solve problems in your surroundings.

Active listening strategies include:

Building trust and setting up rapport.

Showing concern.

Re-wording to show understanding.

Utilizing nonverbal signs to show understanding such as, nodding the head, eye to eye contact, and leaning forward.

Brief verbal assertions like “I see,” “Thank you,” “Sure,” “I understand,” or “I know,”.

Asking open-ended questions.

Asking clear questions to enable better understanding.

Waiting to reveal your opinion.

Revealing comparable experiences to show understanding

Active listening is key to problem-solving. The most essential of all human qualities is to understand and to be understood. It is very difficult to hate a person whom we completely understand. However, the most effective way to understand individuals is to pay attention and listen to them keenly. We are helpless before the individuals who understand us better than the way we understand them. We should also note that, when people make decisions, it is for their own good and not ours.

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