Disruptive Change:

Disruptive change is any kind of change that makes existing processes, technology, or ways of doing business obsolete. Disruptive changes are usually technological in nature and allow the creation of new business models.

The change can be either positive or negative. It may not be immediately obvious what effect a disruptive change will have until it is fully realized. Organizational changes can also lead to disruptive events for example re-structuring or merging with another company.

How to Identify Disruptive Changes:

It can be very hard to predict when a disruption will occur. However, there are many small factors that a business could use to identify Disruptive Changes. These are:

Decreased Access to Labor and Raw Materials:

When there is a substantial decrease in the availability of labor and raw materials, there is a sign of upcoming disruptive change. The business needs to keep an eye on the ongoing market crisis in their competitive businesses.

New Government Rules and Regulations:

Change in the government rules and regulations are a clear indication of forthcoming disruptive changes. For example, change in tax regulations and rates.

Negative customer feedbacks

Entry of innovative and competitive business in the market.

How to Manage Disruptive Changes:

Analyze your possibilities:

Make use of your top staff members to counter the imminent disruptive changes. Make a roadmap of every possible way to deal with those changes.

Perform a competitive analysis:

Look into how your competitive businesses are planning for the changes, or how others have tackled fluctuations in the past.

Seek feedback and suggestions from your customers and employees.

Adopt agility in your business – (Agility is efficiently and successfully adapting to ever-changing and uncertain environments)

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